Thursday, December 12, 2019

What is Linguistics?

Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Human language, understood as a systematic use of speech sounds, signs, and written symbols for communicating among people, is a very complicated system, which can be analyzed on different levels and from various points of view.

Branches of Linguistics

  • Anthropological Linguistics: It studies language variation and usage in relation to culture.
  • Applied Linguistics: It is concerned with the application of linguistic theories and their findings in solving various language problemsmostly in the teaching of a foreign language, studying language disorders, translation, lexicography, and stylistics.
  • Comparative Linguistics: It studies different languages looking for similar characteristics.
  • Computational Linguistics: It uses computer techniques and applies them to automatic translation and speech analysis.
  • Contrastive Linguistics: It concentrates upon the differences between languages.
  • Development Linguistics: It is concerned with the study of the acquisition of language by children, describing the stages and patterns of development and explaining the typical features and variations.
  • Historical Linguistics: It analyses the development of language in time.
  • Psycholinguistics: It is a branch of linguistics which studies the relationship between linguistic behavior and mental processes.
  • Sociolinguistics: It studies the relationship between language and society, taking into consideration standard and non-standard forms of language, regional and social varieties (ethnicity, social status, sex, age, etc.)
  • Theoretical Linguistics: It tries to determine universal principles for studying languages and to describe the general features of language.

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